Voici le nom de l'étrange chenille dont je vous ai montré la photo l'autre jour. C'est Elena qui a trouvé la réponse. Une bien curieuse association de mots. En cherchant un peu, j'ai découvert que le terme " pudibonde" viendrait du fait que le papillon adulte est très velu. Mais quid de "orgye" ? Serait-ce dû à une certaine particularité de la chenille ?
It is the name of the strange caterpillar I showed you a photo the other day. The answer was found by Elena. A curious combination of words which litteral translation is "prudish orgy". With a little research, I discovered that the term "prudish" comes from the fact that the adult butterfly is very hairy. But what about "orgye"? Could this be due to a peculiarity of the caterpillar, a bit visible ?
Par contre, avec une chenille aussi colorée, je m'attendais à un papillon chatoyant. Bin non, c'est une petite chose toute grise, un peu terne. Je suis déçue. (la photo vient de l'excellent site vertdeterre.com)
By cons, with such a colorful caterpillar, I expected a shimmering butterfly, but no, it's a little thing all gray, a bit dull. I'm disappointed. (the picture come from the nice site vertdeterre.com)
I understand you feel disappointed but on the other hand, nature is always full of surprises and fascination.
RépondreSupprimeryes, I was no really serious when I said I was disappointed. but when I was children, I cough a strange green caterpillar, which eat carrot, and feed it. the next year I had the surprise the obtain a wonderful butterfly : a papilio machaon.
Supprimerhow lucky you were to catch the butterfly and photo it before it flew away.As you shame it is dull but maybe that will help it survive predators for longer
RépondreSupprimersorry, I had to precise that I catch the picture ... on internet. you can see the original site by clicking on the photo.
SupprimerIl est bien mignon quand même ce petit papillon tout velu. Ceci dit, les papillons de nuit ne sont pas ceux que je préfère ;)
RépondreSupprimerc'est vrai qu'il est mignon avec tous ces poils. c'est un papillon nounours
Supprimeri am surprised too~!!~one would expect it to be much more glamorous looking~!
RépondreSupprimerthank you for sharing this follow up.
hello libby, thanks for following my blog although I am very few present. I suppose there is a good reason for this difference between the caterpillar and the butterfly